1: Eric writes Lost

Polar Bears! Smoke monsters! A sequence of important-sounding numbers! It's as if Eric has been stranded on an uncharted island for the last 12 years if he doesn't know what we're talking about. In this, the first full-length installment of ShamFiction, Eric proves that it's all part of the mystery as he takes on ABC's Lost!

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Read the ShamFiction here.

Episode 0: What is ShamFiction?

It's the inaugural episode of Two Jackets Productions' new podcast, ShamFiction! In this installment, Andrew, Eric, & Marcus discuss writing, fan-fiction, filmmaking, and why in blazes they decided to make a podcast.

Please be sure to subscribe to ShamFiction. It's the simplest and best way to support the show and get new episodes sent straight to your mobile device! Thanks for listening!